do inversion tables help with anxiety

Do Inversion Tables Help With Anxiety?

Anxiety disorder is a common mental health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Sadly, this condition often goes untreated because it is often misunderstood.

The good news is that many people who live with anxiety find that inversion tables and other forms of exercise can help them control their anxious thoughts. Alongside professional treatment, inversion tables can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and improve overall wellness.

What Are Inversion Tables?

In this article, we are going to talk about how you can use an inversion table to cope with stress and anxiety, but before that, let’s start with the most obvious question.

Teeter FitSpine inversion table front view shown without user

An inversion table is a device used for a type of physical therapy called proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). PNF works by using gentle stretching movements to increase blood flow to the muscles while also relaxing them.

When we use inversion tables, we need to maintain balance and posture, so we engage our core muscles—which is good. At the same time, we also stretch our spine, shoulders, arms, hands, legs, ankles, feet, neck, and head.

All these parts of the body need proper blood circulation to stay healthy and function optimally, and using an inversion table helps to achieve that.

How Do Inversion Tables Help with Stress and Anxiety?

man in an inclined position while on an inversion table

We’re all familiar with stress and anxiety, but maybe not so much with what’s going on inside our body.

When you experience stress and anxiety, your sympathetic nervous system is activated. It increases your heart rate, causes shallow breathing, and slows down digestion.

However, not everyone experiencing anxiety will show the same symptoms. Other people suffering anxiety will show a variety of other physical reactions. It’s good to know that we have another system at work—our parasympathetic nervous system, which is there to calm down our entire body.

When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, it will begin counteracting the stress and anxiety caused by the sympathetic nervous system.

This is where an inversion table becomes useful–it helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system by relaxing your muscles, slowing down your heart rate, and increasing blood flow.


Let’s discuss more how an inversion table helps to get rid of stress and anxiety:

1. Increases Blood Flow to the Brain 

One of the best ways that inversion tables soothe feelings of anxiety is by increasing blood flow to the brain. It improves mental clarity, which in turn lowers stress and anxiety.

2. Promotes Relaxation 

An inversion table gently moves your body backward and upside down. The effect of gravity stretches your body, removes pressure from your spine, and allows your body to relax.

3. Improves Quality of  Sleep

Another way that inversion tables can help you deal with stress and anxiety is by improving your quality of sleep. After an inversion table session, you’ll likely be able to sleep better at night, while also experiencing lower levels of stress.

4. Releases Endorphins

Inversion tables are also known to boost your mood and release happy hormones called endorphins. These are the same hormones that are released when you exercise or perform other activities that cause you to feel good.

5. Improves Digestion

Many people who struggle with anxiety and stress also suffer from digestive issues. Inversion tables help improve overall gastrointestinal health, so don’t be surprised if you notice improvements in your digestive system.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it!

Summing up, inversion tables are an effective tool for activating your body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn will relieve stress and anxiety. The best part is that you can use an this device from the comfort of your own home—just make sure that someone is there to assist you when you use it.